It’s been an exciting month for the guild! Nearly two hundred guests attended the Opening Reception for our “How New is Modern?” show at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. This show will be exhibited through February 3rd.

November Meeting Highlights
- QuiltCon Charity Quilt: most blocks have been completed. Thanks, everyone!
- “Meet a Quilter” blog profiles: guild members are invited to share their work. Jonna will be creating a sign-up form for those interested.
- Board Nominations: guild members are invited to nominate themselves or others for 2018 Board
- Mini Quilt Swap: Sign up for this fun swap by email or at the December meeting. Learn details here: Design Challenge Mini Quilt Swap
- Enamel Pins: Erin will bring DMMQG pins to December meeting for guild members to buy
- Proposed increase in Dues: we will vote on this at the December Meeting
December Meeting
- Holiday Social at Fancy Tiger Crafts. Please bring refreshments to share
- Fat Quarter Swap. If possible, please bring two fat quarters–one to swap, and one for California quilters affected by wildfires.
Full Minutes from November Meetings
DMMQG November 2017 Board Mtg Notes

[Photographs courtesy S. Stelting]