Our August business meeting took place at Fancy Tiger Crafts in Denver, with 11 members and 3 visitors attending. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for photos of this month’s Show & Tell!
Meeting highlights:
- “Quilt Throwback”: Members shared their first quilts or quilts that had special meaning for them. Lots of giggles at how far we’ve all come and even more encouragement to keep on learning.
- “How New is Modern?”: Julie reviewed our promotional plan for the museum show, and guild members signed up to distribute postcards at local fabric shops. Volunteers will be needed to hang the quilts on Oct. 21 and/or Oct. 22. The October issue of 5280 magazine will feature a story on the exhibition.
- Based on voting, our guild will host a lecture and workshop by Amy Friend on Feb. 9-10, 2018. Location TBD. If you’re not familiar with Amy’s work, check out her website at During Quiet Time–it’s very inspiring!
- We’ve approved a new set of bylaws! DMMQG Bylaw revision final July 2017
Guild News
- A group of us went to see Taming of the Shrew at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. As a special treat, we enjoyed a tour of the Shakespeare company’s costume shop: it’s known as the largest closet in Colorado!
- Our guild co-founder Amy Wade is collecting quilts and supplies to help people displaced by Hurricane Harvey. If you’d like to help, please sign up here.
September Business Meeting
- The September meeting is scheduled for Sept. 13 at the Broomfield Community Center. Erin will be demonstrating small-batch fabric screen-printing, and we’ll have a lively show-and-tell. Hope to see you there!
Full minutes from the August Business Meeting and Board Meeting
DMMQG August 2017 Biz Mtg Notes
DMMQG August 2017 Board Mtg Notes