(By the way, the sensational quilt hanging on the wall is Fancy Tiger Crafts co-owner Jaime Jennings’ “Purebred,” quilted by our very own Susan Santistevan of Modern Prairie Quilting.)
Our April 12th business meeting took place at Fancy Tiger Crafts in Denver, with 29 members and 9 first-time visitors attending. Guild members shared a number of exquisite quilts, including 25 quilts that will hang in the “How New is Modern?” show at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for photos of this month’s Show & Tell!
Meeting highlights:
- Julie has been elected to serve as our new secretary. Congratulations, Julie!
- Going forward, odd-month meetings will be held at the Broomfield Community Center.
- Guild Outings Two guild outings have been scheduled:
• Two separate fabric parties will be held at the Ink Lodge Screen Printing Studio.
Screen prints will be created from art provided by each participant. Each person can then print up to eight different fabric items. Cost will be approx. $30 to 35/ person. Two dates have been identified: May 6 and June 10/
• Costume shop tour at the CU Shakespeare Festival. While details are still being ironed out, please hold Saturday, August 5, as a potential date. In addition to the costume shop tour, participants will attend Taming of the Shrew at 8:00 pm.
- Announcements
• The Boulder Modern Quilt Guild will host a workshop from 9:00 to 4:00, on July 23rd with Latifah Saafir. Latifah will lead her Design a Quilt with Bias Tape workshop; cost is $65. Contact Cynthia at bouldermqg@comcast.net if you’re interested in attending.
• The Front Range Modern Quilt Guild will host an outdoor quilt show on Saturday, June 17, at Limbach Park in Monument.
- Show & Tell
25 quilts were shown; all will be displayed at the fall show. They are all incredibly beautiful!
- Upcoming Programs
• October: Certified quilt judge Pam Walsh share her insights on judging quilta
• December: Party time at Fancy Tiger Crafts!
• January 2018: A lecture and workshop with our very own Stephanie Ruyle.
Full Minutes from the April Business meeting: